DTC Dynamic Test Center AG

Rockfall protection barrier test

As a body accredited to ISO/IEC 17025, we carry out SEL and MEL tests in line with the European Technical Approval Guideline EAD 340059-00-106 (previously ETAG 027) from the European Organisation for Technical Assessment (EOTA), Falling Rock Protection Kits.

The DTC tests all rockfall protection barriers. Depending on the energy class, we introduce different impactors into the system to be tested at a speed of at least 25 m/s. We have the following testing facilities at our disposal:

  • Horizontal throwing system – up to energy class 3 (1000 kJ)
  • Systems for higher energy classes (up to 8000 kJ) are in the planning stage.

With the help of the additional measurement technology in the EOTA impactors, we can determine both the energy input and the effective force as a function of the deflection. The energy absorbed by the systems on impact is very useful for alignment.

Rockfall protection test at 100 kJ or with EOTA impactor at 90 km/h


Rockfall protection barrier test at 100 kJ, view from behind